Label Image Information
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How to name label images for the Essig database.
Examples of accepted formats for label file names:
EMEC12346 Bembix sp.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai grzymalai.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _aff.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _cf.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix _gen. nr.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _nr.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _near.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _poss.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _sp. nr.jpg
EMEC12346 Bembix grzymalai _U.jpg (use U instead of ?)
EMEC12346.0 Bembix grzymalai.jpg (if more than one image for a specimen, use .n)
EMEC12346.1 Bembix grzymalai.jpg
EMEC12346.2 Bembix grzymalai.jpg
EMEC12346 Undetermined sp.jpg (for specimens not identified all the way to genus or species;
ie, for specimens only identified to tribe)
-- NO SPACES ALLOWED between the institutionCode (ie, EMEC) and the catalogNumber (ie, 12346)
-- There MUST BE A SPACE before the genus, specific epithet, subspecific epithet (if present), and taxon uncertainty (if present).
-- NO PARENTHESES ALLOWED anywhere in the filename (ie, no "(" or ")")
-- If there is more than one image for a specimen, use a period and a number, with no spaces, after the EMEC12346 part. (ie, EMEC12346.2)
-- No zeroes allowed at the beginning of the catalogNumber (ie, NOT accepted: EMEC0012346)